Director-General's Greeting

Date: 2019-12-04, Source: Department of Commerce of Shandong Province

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Shandong International Business Website!

Shandong, an economic powerhouse on the east coast of China, is one of the most dynamic regions in China with great potential. Shandong boasts its time-honored history, splendid culture, beautiful environment, abundant resources and harmonious society.

For the past 30 years since China's Reform and Opening-up, Shandong has been building up solid foundation of real economy and nurturing a number of competitive companies and well-known brands, which creates good conditions for boosting international collaboration in the future.

Department of Commerce of Shandong Province is a governmental agency responsible for the whole province’s commercial circulation, foreign trade and economic cooperation and economic zones management. We are committed to promoting trade in commodities and services and to better serving companies tapping domestic and foreign markets. We are striving to scale up investment cooperation and to better serve domestic and overseas companies to have their business presence in Shandong or overseas.

Thanks for your interest in Shandong! Welcome to visit and grow your business in Shandong!

Zhang Deping

Dec.4th, 2019


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