‘China-S Korea FTA’ Coverage Activity Qingdao Press Conference Held

Date: 2016-05-17, Source: sdchina.com, Total Visits :

Qingdao Press Conference of “Shandong Goes Ahead in the China-Korea FTA” coverage activity was held on September 15. At the meeting, Gao Jian, vice director of Qingdao Qianwan Free Trade Port Area Management Committee, gave a basic introduction of the port and the work they have done in the construction of the China-Korea free trade area. Guo Jian, deputy head of Qingdao Bureau of Commerce introduced the trade and economic communication with South Korea. He stressed that Qingdao has actively participated in the building of the China-Korea local economic cooperation demonstration zone. Wang Zhengdong, vice director of the Information Office of Qingdao Municipal People’s Government presided over the meeting.

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