Sino-Korea FTA Bohai Sea (Weihai) Industrial Park

Date: 2016-05-17, Source:, Total Visits :

The Sino-Korea FTA Bohai Sea (Weihai) Industrial Park lies in Liulin Village in Wenquan Town, Huancui District of Weihai, where boasts beautiful humanities and cultural resources, convenient sea-land-air transportation and rapid development of the industrial economy.

Aiming at building an e-commercial financial community with modern storage logistics, the Park is designed with one center, one axis, one circle and five groups. The center, also the landmark of the park, is a key area to showcase the image to the public. The axis is a landscape corridor connecting the east and west while the circle is a carriage way around the park. The five groups consist of a central exhibition center, one central commercial storage area, a living area and a business area, which are relatively independent and organically combined.

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